One of my favourite gems!,Alexandrite is named after Russia’s Prince Alexander II because this stone was first discovered on his birthday in 1830 in the emerald mines near the Ural Mountains.
This stone’s discovery makes a fascinating story. It is said that miners were working in the mountains one day and collecting emeralds.
A miner gathered some emeralds and brought them back to their camp after a day’s work.
However, when he brought out the emeralds and put them by the light of the campfire, they shone a lovely shade of red!
This perplexed the miners, especially the next morning when they saw that the emeralds were color green again.
It was then that they realized they have stumbled upon something new, unique, valuable, and mysterious.
But it was only in 1839 when the stones were identified and given the name Alexandrite.
Because the stone showed green and red colors, which happened to be the Old Imperial Russia’s military colors, it became the national stone of Russia.
Because of this stone’s special characteristic to change color, it has also been called ‘emerald by
day, ruby by night’.
Since the discovery of alexandrite, the gemstone has been thought to bring luck, good fortune and love. In Russia, it is considered to be a stone of very good omen. It is believed to bring balance in the interaction between the physical manifest world and the unmanifest spiritual, or astral world. It opens the crown chakra, bringing one access to the warm, healing energy and love of the universe. It is also said to strengthen intution, creativity, and imagination.
Alexandrite encourages romance. It is also said that through the stone, joy enters the lives of people with too much self-discipline. The stone reminds us of our purpose in life and our origin. It gives hope to those who are in despair about their lives. It brings strength and constantly reminds them of the light. With its changing color, it is a reminder that life is not only what it seems to be.
Alexandrite is usually found in sizes smaller than five carats. Sizes over five carats are usually considered large and will command a proportionally higher price. In Ceylon, some of the largest Alexandrites in the world are found, some weighing up to 60 carats each. These stones are of a darker color. Alexandrite is a hard, durable stone, rating an 8 ½ on the hardness scale. It is exceeded in hardness only by the diamond and corundum. It is because of this, and because it is one of the world’s most rare gems, that the Alexandrite can be one of the costliest gemstones in the world.
However, the colour change if even 70% Alexandrite will be very expensive or possible lab made fake.
We offer natural sri lankan alexandrite with colour change of 30-50%. Mostly flawless.
Alexandrite is the June birthstone. It’s also the anniversary stone for 55 years of marriage.
Alexandrite Associated with
Zodiac – Leo
Element – Earth
Vibration – Number 6
Typical colours – Yellow, golden yellow, green, brown-red
Benefits of Alexandrite
#unlockedpower #Kindness #Generosity #Benevolence #Hope #Optimism #Renewal #New beginning #nevergiveup #Youth #Innocence