cat’s-eye, any of several gemstones that, when cut en cabochon (in convex form, highly polished), display a luminous band reminiscent of the eye of a cat; this particular quality is termed chatoyancy. Precious cat’s-eye, the rarest and most highly prized, is a greenish chatoyant variety of chrysoberylcalled cymophane; the chatoyant effect is due to minute parallel cavities. Quartz cat’s-eye, the commonest, owes its chatoyancy and grayish green or greenish colour to parallel fibres of asbestos in the quartz. The two may be distinguished by their specific gravities; chrysoberyl is much denser. Crocidolite cat’s-eye (African cat’s-eye), more commonly known as tigereye (or tiger’s-eye), is quartz that contains oriented fibres of crocidolite that have been replaced by silica. Corundum cat’s-eye is an imperfect star sapphire or ruby in which the star is reduced to a luminous zone.
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AC0004 Cat's Eye - 0.72ct
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AC0001 Cat’s Eye – 2.21ct
Rs 46,200.00
VARIETY: Cat’s Eye
HEATED: Un Heated
SPECIES: Natural Chrysoberyl
GGTL NO: 132342
DATE: 9/2/2022
SHAPE: oval
CUT: Cabochon Cut
DIMENSIONS : 8.58*5.81*4.72mm
COLOUR : Brown